Martin O'Malley, Governor
Pursuant to the provisions of Election Law Article, Section 11, Annotated Code of
Maryland, and the Code of Maryland Regulations, COMAR 33.08,1, Linda H. Lamone,
Administrator of the State Board of Elections, hereby certify that at the November 7,
2006, General Election Chapter 617 of the Acts of the 2005 Maryland General Assembly
was submitted to the voters of the State in accordance with the provisions of Article XIV
of the Maryland Constitution as follows:
Question 1
Constitutional Amendment
Disposition of Park Lands
The Board of Public Works may not approve the sale, transfer, exchange, grant or other
permanent disposition of any state-owned outdoor recreation, open space, conservation,
preservation, forest, or park land without the express approval of the General Assembly
or of a committee that the General Assembly designates by statute, resolution or rule.
(Amending Article XII-Public Works)
It is hereby certified that at the election Chapter 617 received 1,361,956 votes cast for the
adoption and 241,188 votes cast against the adoption. Therefore, Chapter 617 has been
approved by the voters.
Linda H. Lamone, Administrator
State Board of Elections
Pursuant to the provisions of Election Law Article, Section 11, Annotated Code of
Maryland, and the Code of Maryland Regulations, COMAR 33.08,1, Linda H. Lamone,
Administrator of the State Board of Elections, hereby certify that at the November 7,
2006, General Election Chapter 61 of the Acts of the 2006 Maryland General Assembly
was submitted to the voters of the State in accordance with the provisions of Article XVI
of the Maryland Constitution as follows:
Question 4
Statewide Referendum
Election Law Revisions
Special Note: Provisions of this legislation would have amended prior legislation
providing an early voting option to voters in primary and general elections. The early
voting provisions of this legislation have been declared unconstitutional by court action;
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