Martin O'Malley, Governor H
Temporary absence from or vacancy in office, assumption of duties
by City Council President, election of new City Council
President, and filling of vacancy on City Council, provisions
altered...................................................................'........................... 5539
Voting in the election of City Council president, prohibition clarified 5536
Housing for the elderly, added as permitted use in the B2 District as a
special development.................................................................................... 5436
Sheriffs Office Pension Plan, provisions altered............................................ 5435
Truck traffic, through traffic prohibited on Fountain Glen Drive.................... 5435
Veterans' Affairs, Commission on, membership increased............................. 5436
Water and Sewer Plan -
Fall 2006 Master Plan adopted................................................................... 5436
Spring 2006 Master Plan adopted............................................................... 5434
Havre de Grace (Harford County) —
Annexation....................................................................................................... 5536
City Council -
Commencement of term of office of a member, provisions altered........... 5537
Filling of a vacancy in the office of a member, provisions altered............ 5538
Time of meetings, provisions altered......................................................... 5538
Introduction and adoption of resolutions, provisions altered........................... 5538
Mayor -
Commencement of term of office, provisions altered................................ 5537
Temporary absence from or vacancy in office, assumption of duties by
City Council President, election of new City Council President, and
filling of vacancy on City Council, provisions altered....................... 5539
Voting in the election of City Council president, prohibition clarified...... 5536
Hazardous and Toxic Substances —
SEE ALSO Asbestos
Wicomico County-
Hazardous materials release incidents, procedure for reimbursement of
response and recovery costs, provisions amended................................ 5490
Health —
Anne Arundel County -
Tanning salons, added as auxiliary use in C2-Commercial Office
Districts................................................................................................. 5403
Baltimore County -
Environmental law, enforcement and penalties, provisions altered........... 5422
Harford County -
Gymnasiums, health clubs, parks, and recreation areas, centers and
facilities, added as permitted uses in certain zoning districts............... 5435
Montgomery County -
Montgomery Cares Program Advisory Board -
Conflict of interest and financial disclosure, requirements altered....... 5463
Established............................................................................................ 5446
- 5609 -