2007 Laws of Maryland
Local Laws Index
Government SEE Administrative Agencies
Grading SEE Erosion
Grants —
Howard County
Mousing and Community Development, Department of, authorization
and required approval for departmental application for and awarding
of grants and loans, provisions altered.................................................. 5438
Greensboro (Caroline County) —
Annexation....................................................................................................... 5534
Guns —
Anne Arundel County -
Stun guns or electronic weapons, possession and use permitted by law
enforcement officers in the line of duty, provisions added................... 5401
Wicomico County -
Firearm discharge near a school, prohibition added................................... 5490
Hampstead (Carroll County) —
Annexation....................................................................................................... 5535
Hancock (Washington County) —
Revised Charter adopted.................................................................................. 5535
Handguns SEE Guns
Handicapped Persons SEE Disabilities
Harassment —
Montgomery County -
Disturbing the peace or disorderly conduct, prohibitions added................ 5453
Harford County —
Agricultural Land Preservation Program, 2006 program adopted and
incorporated by reference........................................................................... 5434
Electrical Examiners, Board of, composition altered; revised Electrical
Code adopted; electrician licensing, registration, and regulation,
provisions altered........................................................................................ 5434
Gymnasiums, health clubs, parks, and recreation areas, centers and
facilities, added as permitted uses in certain zoning districts..................... 5435
Havre de Grace -
Annexation.................................................................................................. 5536
City Council -
Commencement of term of office of a member, provisions altered..... 5537
Filling of a vacancy in the office of a member, provisions altered....... 5538
Time of meetings, provisions altered.................................................... 5538
Introduction and adoption of resolutions, provisions altered..................... 5538
Mayor -
Commencement of term of office, provisions altered........................... 5537
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