2007 Laws of Maryland
Local Laws Index
Health Insurance —
Baltimore County -
Other post-employment benefit fund for costs of health and life
insurance benefits for retired county employees, established............... 5420
Hearings —
Baltimore County -
Investment property located in a Commercial Revitalization District that
has been abandoned, inspection and removal, provisions added.......... 5419
Nonconforming use, termination by Zoning Commissioner, provisions
added..................................................................................................... 5427
Recreational vehicle parking lot, permitted use zoning provisions added. 5426
Caroline County -
Development rights and responsibilities agreements, provisions added.... 5378
Howard County -
Land use cases, posting of notice, requirements altered............................. 5442
Millington, special assessments, procedure, provisions added........................ 5548
Montgomery County -
Consumer protection law, violations, and enforcement, provisions
altered; administrative hearing process for adjudication, provisions
added..................................................................................................... 5449
Planning Board action violations, Planning Board authorized to assign a
hearing examiner to conduct a public hearing and report on................ 5469
Talbot County —
Board of Appeals, authority, powers, proceedings, and awarded relief,
provisions added.................................................................................... 5489
Heating and Cooling —
Howard County -
Property tax credit for residences using a solar or geothermal energy
device, provisions added....................................................................... 5442
Wicomico County -
Groundwater heat pump installers and on-site waste disposal installers,
bonding requirement, provisions repealed............................................ 5490
Henderson (Caroline County) —
Town Commission, number of members reduced........................................... 5539
High Voltage Lines —
Queen Anne's County -
Electric transmission lines, provisions repealed......................................... 5386
Highways —
Anne Arundel County -
County rights-of-way, permits for use for public works, provisions
altered.................................................................................................... 5406
Public roads, petition for return to private ownership for use as private
roads, provisions altered........................................................................ 5400