2007 Laws of Maryland
Local Laws Index
Solicitation of money or donations by a minor in a roadway, median, or
intersection, prohibited.......................................................................... 5410
Baltimore County -
Bird sanctuary established.......................................................................... 5414
Charles County -
Smoking and placement of tobacco products, restrictions added............... 5380
Chevy Chase, town ordinance violations denoted as municipal infractions,
and associated fines, provisions altered...................................................... 5507
Kent County -
Historic preservation, regulation, provisions added; Historic
Preservation Commission created......................................................... 5385
Montgomery County -
Parking violations and fines, provisions altered......................................... 5447
Prince George's County -
Fire Safety Code, generally amended to conform to international fire
safety standards; inspection fees and penalties, provisions altered;
carbon monoxide detectors, requirements added.................................. 5486
Parking commercial buses, trailers, or heavy trucks on streets or
highways, restrictions and fine, provisions altered............................... 5487
Fire Departments SEE Fire Protection
Fire Protection —
Anne Arundel County
Classified and Exempt Service, pay schedules, increases, allowances,
and bonuses, and education assistance for various personnel,
provisions altered.................................................................................. 5404
Fire Prevention Code, new code and amendments adopted; fire
prevention provisions revised............................................................... 5411
Charles County -
Automatic fire sprinkler systems, requirements added.............................. 5382
Howard County -
Director of fire and rescue services, nomination requirements,
provisions altered.................................................................................. 5445
Local state of emergency, declaration and powers of county executive
and Department of Fire and Rescue Services, provisions added.......... 5438
Police and Fire Employee's Retirement Plan, definitions added and
amended; limit on credit for military service, provisions repealed;
years of creditable service attributable to unused sick leave,
provisions altered.................................................................................. 5443
Kent County -
Emergency Services Board, established; appropriation and allocation of
funds for fire protection and emergency medical services, provisions
altered.................................................................................................... 5384
Montgomery County -
- 5602 -