Martin O'Malley, Governor F
Firefighters, requirements for advancement and promotion of members
of merit system, provisions altered....................................................... 5450
Prince George's County -
Fire Safety Code, generally amended to conform to international fire
safety standards; inspection fees and penalties, provisions altered;
carbon monoxide detectors, requirements added.................................. 5486
Length of Service Award Program for volunteer fire/rescue workers,
benefit eligibility age reduced, burial benefit increased, and
administration provisions altered.......................................................... 5484
Wicomico County -
Hazardous materials release incidents, procedure for reimbursement of
response and recovery costs, provisions amended................................ 5490
Firearms SEE Guns
Fiscal Matters SEE Budgets; Revenue and Taxes
Flood Control —
Baltimore County
environmental law, enforcement and penalties, provisions altered........... 5422
Montgomery County -
Water runoff drainage system requirements for building permits for
residential buildings on small lots, and stormwater management plan •
requirements, provisions added and altered.......................................... 5462
Forests and Parks —
Baltimore County -
"Animal at large" definition altered to allow dogs off-leash while in a
designated dog park............................................................................... 5427
Frederick, department of parks and recreation, created within the
department of public works........................................................................ 5527
Harford County -
Gymnasiums, health clubs, parks, and recreation areas, centers and
facilities, added as permitted uses in certain zoning districts............... 5435
Montgomery County -
Forest Conservation Advisory Committee, established............................. 5457
Forest conservation law, application to champion trees, provisions
added..................................................................................................... 5461
Queen Anne's County -
4-H Park included under jurisdiction of Department of Parks and
Recreation for purposes of traffic and parking regulation.................... 5389
Franchises —
Anne Arundel County
Cable Franchise Act, previous acts repealed and new act enacted............. 5407
Howard County -
Secondary cable franchise classification for franchises that serve new
real estate developments, provisions added.......................................... 5443
Montgomery County -
- 5603 -