Martin O'Malley, Governor F
easement or covenant, and subdivision of one-family residential
lots, provisions added and clarified....................................................... 5471
Prince George's County -
Purchase of Development Rights Program, established to permit
acquisition of conservation easements.................................................. 5485
Worcester County -
Maryland Agricultural Land Preservation Foundation Agreements,
minimum length of time, provisions added.......................................... 5393
Fees —
SEE ALSO Development Fees and Taxes
Anne Arundel County -
County rights-of-way, permits for use for public works, provisions
altered.................................................................................................... 5406
Electrical permits, fees revised................................................................... 5404
Fire Prevention Code, new code and amendments adopted; fire
prevention provisions revised............................................................... 5411
Taxicabs, rates and ride sharing provisions altered; permanent gasoline
surcharge provisions repealed; temporary gasoline surcharge
provisions added.................................................................................... 5405
Water and wastewater charges based on equivalent dwelling units,
recalculation of the number of equivalent dwelling units, provisions
altered.................................................................................................... 5399
Caroline County -
Development rights and responsibilities agreements, provisions added.... 5378
Charles County -
Animal regulations, revised........................................................................ 5380
Howard County -
Shared sewage disposal facilities, regulation and fees, provisions altered 5438
Leonardtown, water and sanitary sewer fees and charges, imposition
authorized.................................................................................................... 5544
Montgomery County -
Application for review of preliminary subdivision plans, evidence of
payment of fee, requirements added..................................................... 5482
Preliminary subdivision plans, fees authorized for costs of review........... 5463
Transportation management fee, authority to set, amount, and use of
revenue, provisions altered.................................................................... 5445
Prince George's County -
Fire Safety Code, generally amended to conform to international fire
safety standards; inspection fees and penalties, provisions altered;
carbon monoxide detectors, requirements added.................................. 5486
Queen Anne's County -
Sanitary District charges, interest on unpaid charges, provisions altered.. 5387
Fines —
Anne Arundel County -
- 5601 -