2007 Laws of Maryland
Local Laws Index
Electric Companies SEE Utilities
Electrical Devices SEE Equipment
Electricians —
Anne Arundel County
Electrical permits, fees revised................................................................... 5404
Harford County -
Electrical Examiners, Board of, composition altered; revised Electrical
Code adopted; electrician licensing, registration, and regulation,
provisions altered.................................................................................. 5434
Electronic Surveillance —
Baltimore County -
Surveillance devices at shopping center parking lots, application
expanded and certification of compliance provisions added................ 5414
Elkton (Cecil County) —
Annexation....................................................................................................... 5517
Emergencies —
Howard County -
Local state of emergency, declaration and powers of county executive
and Department of Fire and Rescue Services, provisions added.......... 5438
Montgomery County -
Maryland Emergency Management Assistance Compact, adopted........... 5454
Queen Anne's County -.
Department of Emergency Services Advisory Council, membership
increased by two consumer representatives.......................................... 5387
Wicomico County -
Hazardous materials release incidents, procedure for reimbursement of
response and recovery costs, provisions amended................................ 5490
Emergency Medical Services —
Kent County -
Emergency Services Board, established; appropriation and allocation of
funds for fire protection and emergency medical services, provisions
altered.................................................................................................... 5384
Prince George's County -
Length of Service Award Program for volunteer fire/rescue workers,
benefit eligibility age reduced, burial benefit increased, and
administration provisions altered.......................................................... 5484
Eminent Domain SEE Condemnation
Emmitsburg (Frederick County) —
Annexation....................................................................................................... 5518
Budget, submission deadline altered; explanatory message and statement of
anticipated capital improvement projects, requirements added................. 5518
Employee Organizations SEE Unions
Employment SEE Work, Labor and Employment
Energy Matters —
- 5598 -