Martin O'Malley, Governor E
Howard County -
Property tax credit for residences using a solar or geothermal energy
device, provisions added....................................................................... 5442
Montgomery County -
Energy efficiency and environmental design requirements for
non-residential and multi-family residential buildings, provisions
added..................................................................................................... 5465
Entertainment SEE Art, Music and Cultural Affairs
Environmental Matters —
Baltimore County -
Environmental law, enforcement and penalties, provisions altered........... 5422
Worcester County -
Sewage sludge, storage, composting, or land application in the
Chesapeake Bay and Atlantic Coastal Bays Critical Areas,
prohibited.............................................................................................. 5395
Equipment —
SEE ALSO Motor Vehicle Equipment
Baltimore County -
Contractor's office or contractor's shop, permitted activities in the S-E
Zone, provisions altered........................................................................ 5431
Charles County -
Automatic fire sprinkler systems, requirements added.............................. 5382
Chesapeake Beach, electronic voting machines, use authorized; hours that
polls must be open and standards for keeping polls open for additional
time, provisions added and altered............................................................. 5503
Cottage City, taxation of personal property used for manufacturing
purposes, provisions clarified................................<...................................... 5508
Howard County -
On-site sewage disposal systems and individual potable water supply
systems, permitting and regulation, provisions added.......................... 5444
Property tax credit for residences using a solar or geothermal energy
device, provisions added.......................;................................................ 5442
Prince George's County -
Fire Safety Code, generally amended to. conform to international fire
safety standards; inspection fees and penalties, provisions altered;
carbon monoxide detectors, requirements added.................................. 5486
Erosion —
SEE ALSO Shore Erosion
Baltimore County-
Environmental, law, enforcement and penalties, provisions altered........... 5422
Charles County - ...
Grading and sediment control ordinance, provisions revised.................... 5381
Ethics —
Howard County -
- 5599 -