Martin O'Malley, Governor E
La Plata, town elections generally and terms of office of mayor and town
council members, provisions revised.......................................................... 5542
Loch Lynn Heights, election of town officers, provisions altered................... 5546
Millington, write-in candidates, filing requirements added; cancellation of
uncontested election and certification of candidates, provisions added..... 5549
Poolesville, voter registration and list of eligible voters, provisions altered... 5554
Port Deposit, voter qualifications, notice of voter registration and election
days, voter registration, filing for candidacy, and vote count, provisions
altered; application of State election law to areas not covered in charter
election provisions, provisions added......................................................... 5555
Rock Hall, election provisions pertaining to polling hours, voter residency
requirements and registration, councilperson age qualification, election
law violations, and appeal of decision of Board of Supervisors of
Elections, altered......................................................................................... 5559
St. Michaels, commissioners, vacancy in office, provisions concerning term
of office, election of officers, quorum, and procedures for filling
vacancy, altered.......................................................................................... 5560
Taneytown, electioneering near polling places in city elections, provisions
added........................................................................................................... 5566
Washington Grove, town meeting and election of town officials, day altered 5567
Elections, Boards of SEE Elections Supervisors
Elections Supervisors —
Allegany County -
Compensation of members of Board of Elections, provisions amended.... 5377
Chesapeake Beach -
Appointment of chairman of Board of Elections, provisions added.......... 5500
Board of Supervisors of Elections renamed to be Board of Elections....... 5500
Duties of Board of Elections, provisions altered........................................ 5501
Election controversies, challenges, and recounts, resolution and appeals
to circuit court, provisions altered......................................................... 5503
Removal of members of Board of Elections, provisions altered................ 5501
Fruitland, voter qualification and registration, Board of Supervisors of
Elections, elections, political candidates, and data on Council Members,
provisions altered........................................................................................ 5532
Hyattsville, accommodation for voters with disabilities, requirements added 5541
La Plata, town elections generally and terms of office of mayor and town
council members, provisions revised.......................................................... 5542
Poolesville, voter registration and list of eligible voters, provisions altered... 5554
Rock Hall, election provisions pertaining to polling hours, voter residency
requirements and registration, councilperson age qualification, election
law violations, and appeal of decision of Board of Supervisors of
Elections, altered......................................................................................... 5559
- 5597-