2007 Laws of Maryland
Local Laws Index
Property tax credit for senior citizens of limited income, provisions
added..................................................................................................... 5464
Wicomico County -
Public school development impact fee exemption for age-restricted or
senior housing projects, provisions added............................................ 5491
Elected Officials SEE Public Officials
Elections —
Baltimore County -
Political campaign signs, location, erection, and removal, provisions
added and altered................................................................................... 5430
Brunswick, mayor and city council members, city residency requirement
altered; general conduct of elections, provisions altered; election clerks
and judges, election returns and certification, and coercion of voters,
provisions repealed..................................................................................... 5498
Chesapeake Beach -
Board of Supervisors of Elections renamed to be Board of Elections....... 5500
Certificate of nomination for candidate for public office, and certificate
of candidacy, provisions altered............................................................ 5503
Certification of election results, provisions altered.................................... 5502
Election controversies, challenges, and recounts, resolution and appeals
to circuit court, provisions altered......................................................... 5503
Electronic voting machines, use authorized; hours that polls must be
open and standards for keeping polls open for additional time,
provisions added and altered................................................................. 5503
Mayor, first day of taking office after election, provisions altered............ 5505
Penalty provisions repealed........................................................................ 5505
Preservation of voting records, provisions, provisions altered................... 5504
Registration of voters, provisions altered................................................... 5502
Town Council, beginning day of term of office of members and day of
first meeting, provisions altered............................................................ 5505
Town elections, authority to regulate, provisions altered........................... 5504
Dorchester County -
County Council, vacancy in office, procedures for filling, provisions
altered.................................................................................................... 5432
East New Market, mayor, election and term of office, provisions altered...... 5516
Fruitland, voter qualification and registration, Board of Supervisors of
Elections, elections, political candidates, and data on Council Members,
provisions altered........................................................................................ 5532
Havre de Grace, mayor, prohibition on voting in the election of City
Council president, provisions clarified....................................................... 5536
Howard County -
County Council, special election to fill vacancies, provisions added........ 5444
- 5596 -