Martin O'Malley, Governor E
Minimum lot size in RC(D) Rural Conservation Deferred Development
District Zone, exemption provisions added.......................................... 5381
Harford County -
Agricultural Land Preservation Program, 2006 program adopted and
incorporated by reference...................................................................... 5434
Howard County -
Agricultural Land Preservation Program, release of property from,
donation of easement to county, and Board membership
qualifications, provisions altered; obsolete provisions repealed........... 5439
Land preservation easements, subdivision of lot within acreage subject
to easement, provisions altered............................................................. 5441
Shared sewage disposal facilities, regulation and fees, provisions altered 5438
Montgomery County -
Rural open space area of the Rural Neighborhood Cluster (RNC) zone,
preservation in perpetuity of all public or privately held land by
easement or covenant, and subdivision of one-family residential
lots, provisions added and clarified....................................................... 5471
Prince George's County -
Purchase of Development Rights Program, established to permit
acquisition of conservation easements.................................................. 5485
Worcester County -
Maryland Agricultural Land Preservation Foundation Agreements,
minimum length of time, provisions added.......................................... 5393
East New Market (Dorchester County)
Mayor, election and term of office, provisions altered.................................... 5516
Easton (Talbot County)
Annexation....................................................................................................... 5516
Town manager and town finance officer, provisions' added; town clerk,
provisions altered........................................................................................ 5516
Economic Development SEE Commerce and Business
Education, Boards of
Allegany County -
Compensation of members, provisions amended....................................... 5377
Howard County -
Shared sewage disposal facilities, regulation and fees, provisions altered 5438
Education Financing SEE Public Schools
Elderly Persons
Harford County -
Housing for the elderly, added as permitted use in the B2 District as a
special development.............................................................................. 5436
Howard County
Moderate income housing, provisions altered............................................ 5439
Montgomery County -
- 5595 -