2007 Laws of Maryland
Local Laws Index
Public school development impact fee exemption for age-restricted or
senior housing projects, provisions added............................................ 5491
Disabilities —
Anne Arundel County
Disability Issues, Commission on, established........................................... 5407
Hyattsville, accommodation for voters with disabilities, requirements added 5541
Montgomery County
Accessibility improvements, exemptions from setback and lot coverage
limits, provisions added........................................................................ 5477
Disability Retirements SEE Retirement Systems
Disabled Persons SEE Disabilities
Disasters SEE Emergencies
Disclosure —
Howard County -
Revenue Authority Board members, disclosure of financial interests,
requirements added............................................................................... 5443
Shared sewage disposal facilities, regulation and fees, provisions altered 5438
Montgomery County -
Off-the-road vehicles, driving restrictions, use of safety equipment,
public education, notice to customers by retailers, and enforcement
of requirements, provisions added........................................................ 5456
Prince George's County -
Real property sales contracts, disclosure that seller does not hold title to
the property, required wording in notice altered................................... 5484
Dogs SEE Animals
Domiciliary Care SEE Assisted Living
Donations SEE Gifts
Dorchester County —
Cambridge, annexation..................................................................................... 5498
County Council -
Salary of members increased...................................................................... 5432
Vacancy in office, procedures for filling, provisions altered..................... 5432
Dog control ordinance, revised........................................................................ 5433
East New Market, mayor, election and term of office, provisions altered...... 5516
International Building Code and International Residential Code, amended
and adopted as the county basic building code........................................... 5431
Property tax credit for shoreline erosion control structures, provisions
altered.......................................................................................................... 5433
Easements —
Charles County -
- 5594 -