Martin O'Malley, Governor C
Public water and sewer ordinances and regulations, penalty provisions
altered and provisions for injunctive or other relief added................... 5441
Montgomery County -
Disturbing the peace or disorderly conduct, prohibitions added................ 5453
Criminal Background Investigations —
Montgomery County -
Taxicabs, driver identification cards and schedule for issuing passenger
vehicle licenses, provisions altered....................................................... 5458
Crisfield (Somerset County) —
City Council meetings, open meetings requirements, provisions altered........ 5509
Critical Areas SEE Chesapeake Bay; Coastal Bays
Cruelty to Animals SEE Animals
Cultural Affairs SEE Art, Music and Cultural Affairs
Cumberland (Allegany County) —
Acquisition of real, personal, or mixed property by the city, including
through capital leases, provisions added.................................................... 5510
Annexation....................................................................................................... 5509
Municipal office positions, exemption from classified service, provisions
altered.......................................................................................................... 5512
Data Banks SEE Computers
Day Care SEE Child Care
Delmar (Wicomico County) —
Annexation....................................................................................................... 5512
Denton (Caroline County) —
Annexation....................................................................................................... 5513
Voter residency requirements, provisions altered............................................ 5514
Development Fees and Taxes —
Caroline County -
Development excise tax for school construction, increased....................... 5378
Howard County -
In-aid-of-construction charge for water and sewer system facilities,
definition of "owner" clarified and payment provisions altered........... 5437
Middle Patuxent Subdistrict water and sewer charges, discontinuation of
supplemental in-aid-of-construction and supplemental ad valorem
charges and system benefit charge, provisions clarified....................... 5440
Wicomico County -
Development impact fees on new residential development, and public
school development impact fees, provisions added.............................. 5490
- 5593 -