2007 Laws of Maryland
Local Laws Index
Montgomery County -
Adequate public facilities determination for proposed land development,
provisions altered.................................................................................. 5447
Adequate public facilities, period of validity and extension of
determination, provisions altered; temporary provisions repealed....... 5470
Talbot County -
International Building Code and International Residential Code for One
and Two-Family Dwellings, 2003 editions, adopted as minimum
construction standards; supplements adopted....................................... 5487
Wicomico County -
Age-restricted or senior housing projects, exemption from public school
development impact fees, provisions added......................................... 5491
Development impact fees on new residential development, and public
school development impact fees, provisions added.............................. 5490
Consumer Protection —
Anne Arundel County -
Cable Franchise Act, previous acts repealed and new act enacted............. 5407
Montgomery County
Consumer protection law, violations, and enforcement, provisions
altered; administrative hearing process for adjudication, provisions
added..................................................................................................... 5449
Internet access service, consumer protection provisions added................. 5461
Off-the-road vehicles, driving restrictions, use of safety equipment,
public education, notice to customers by retailers, and enforcement
of requirements, provisions added........................................................ 5456
Prince George's County -
Real property sales contracts, disclosure that seller does not hold title to
the property, required wording in notice altered................................... 5484
Contractors —
Baltimore County -
Contractor's office or contractor's shop, permitted activities in the S-E
Zone, provisions altered........................................................................ 5431
Contracts —
SEE ALSO Procurement
Prince George's County -
Real property sales contracts, disclosure that seller does not hold title to
the property, required wording in notice altered................................... 5484
Contributions SEE Gifts
Conventions —
Queen Anne's County -
Agricultural conference facilities, allowed as conditional use in the AG
(Agricultural) District............................................................................ 5388
Corporations —
Montgomery County -
- 5590 -