Martin O'Malley, Governor C
Corporate training centers, allowed as permitted use in Commercial,
Office Park (C-P) zone......................................................................... 5468
Correctional Officers —
Anne Arundel County -
Classified and Exempt Service, pay schedules, increases, allowances,
and bonuses, and education assistance for various personnel,
provisions altered.................................................................................. 5404
Limitations on detention officers joining employee organizations,
provisions altered.................................................................................. 5402
Corrective Legislation —
Howard County -
Technical corrections to the Howard County Code.................................... 5442
Montgomery County -
Corrective bill, adopted.............................................................................. 5459
Wicomico County -
Code references to duties delegated to the Administrative Director and
County Council, generally revised to reflect deletion of position of
Administrative Director and the change to an elected executive form
of government....................................................................................... 5491
Costs SEE Prices
Cottage City (Prince George's County) —
Personal property used for manufacturing purposes, taxation provisions
clarified....................................................................................................... 5508
Councils SEE Committees and Commissions
Country Clubs —
Queen Anne's County —
Guest lodges and country inns, permitted accessory facilities for a rural
country club, provisions added............................................................. 5387
County and Baltimore City Bonds —
Baltimore County -
Outstanding county debt, limitation provisions added; outstanding
Metropolitan District bond debt, limitation provisions altered............. 5421
Kent County -
General obligation bonds, authority to issue, provisions altered................ 5383
Worcester County -
Authority to issue general obligation bonds to finance a new Worcester
Career & Technology Center, provisions added................................... 5395
County Commissioners —
Allegany County -
Compensation provisions amended............................................................ 5377
Caroline County -
Development rights and responsibilities agreements, provisions added.... 5378
Charles County -
Salary increased.......................................................................................... 5379
-5591 -