Martin O'Malley, Governor C
Energy efficiency and environmental design requirements for
non-residential and multi-family residential buildings, provisions
added..................................................................................................... 5465
Forest Conservation Advisory Committee, established............................. 5457
Forest conservation law, application to champion trees, provisions
added..................................................................................................... 5461
Prince George's County -
Purchase of Development Rights Program, established to permit
acquisition of conservation easements.................................................. 5485
Worcester County -
Maryland Agricultural Land Preservation Foundation Agreements,
minimum length of time, provisions added.......................................... 5393
Construction —
SEE ALSO Building Permits
Anne Arundel County -
Adequate public facilities for schools, length of time on waiting list,
termination date of provision extended................................................. 5399
Baltimore County -
Building permit suspension or revocation, authorized when public
health or safety is endangered by lack of active construction.............. 5427
Development projects, compliance of previously approved projects with
current law and current development procedural review process;
vesting; extension and expiration of plan approvals; and
recommendations regarding overcrowded school districts, provisions
altered and added................................................................................... 5415
Environmental law, enforcement and penalties, provisions altered........... 5422
Caroline County -
Development excise tax for school construction, increased....................... 5378
Dorchester County -
International Building Code and International Residential Code,
amended and adopted as the county basic building code...................... 5431
Howard County -
Adequate public facilities requirements, moderate income housing
allocations, provisions altered............................................................... 5440
In-aid-of-construction charge for water and sewer system facilities,
definition of "owner" clarified and payment provisions altered........... 5437
Middle Patuxent Subdistrict water and sewer charges, discontinuation of
supplemental in-aid-of-construction and supplemental ad valorem
charges and system benefit charge, provisions clarified....................... 5440
Pre-submission Community Meetings Pertaining to Proposed
Residential Development -
Notification of county by developer, provisions altered....................... 5438
Time, place, and notice requirements, provisions altered..................... 5441
- 5589-