2007 Laws of Maryland
Local Laws Index
Standard of proof applicable in proceedings, provisions altered.......... 5388
Ethics ordinance applicability to various boards, commissions, officials,
and employees, clarified........................................................................ 5389
Talbot County -
Appeals, Board of, authority, powers, proceedings, and awarded relief,
provisions added.................................................................................... 5489
Worcester County -
Women, Commission for, voting privileges for ex-officio members,
provisions added.................................................................................... 5392
Community Associations SEE Homeowners Associations
Community Development —
Frederick, director of planning and community development, provisions
repealed....................................................................................................... 5530
Howard County
Mousing and Community Development, Department of, authorization
and required approval for departmental application for and awarding
of grants and loans, provisions altered.................................................. 5438
Compensation SEE Salaries
Comptroller —
Frederick, comptroller, provisions repealed..................................................... 5528
Computers —
Montgomery County -
Internet access service, consumer protection provisions added................. 5461
Condemnation —
Washington Grove, provisions altered............................................................. 5566
Confidentiality SEE Privacy
Conflicts of Interest SEE Ethics
Conservation —
Baltimore County -
Environmental law, enforcement and penalties, provisions altered........... 5422
High performance buildings, property tax credit established for............... 5424
Charles County -
Minimum lot size in RC(D) Rural Conservation Deferred Development
District Zone, exemption provisions added.......................................... 5381
Harford County -
Agricultural Land Preservation Program, 2006 program adopted and
incorporated by reference...................................................................... 5434
Howard County
Agricultural Land Preservation Program, release of property from,
donation of easement to county, and Board membership
qualifications, provisions altered; obsolete provisions repealed........... 5439
Land preservation easements, subdivision of lot within acreage subject
to easement, provisions altered............................................................. 5441
Montgomery County -
- 5588 -