Martin O'Malley, Governor C
Howard County -
Public water and sewer ordinances and regulations, penalty provisions
altered and provisions for injunctive or other relief added................... 5441
Kent County —
Historic preservation, regulation, provisions added; Historic
Preservation Commission created......................................................... 5385
Montgomery County -
Services contracts that will adversely affect public employees,
requirements to be met before solicitation or award, and collective
bargaining requirements, provisions added.......................................... 5456
Taxicabs, driver identification cards and schedule for issuing passenger
vehicle licenses, provisions altered....................................................... 5458
Civil Defense SEE Emergencies
Coastal Bays —
Worcester County -
Sewage sludge, storage, composting, or land application in the
Chesapeake Bay and Atlantic Coastal Bays Critical Areas,
prohibited.............................................................................................. 5395
Codes —
SEE ALSO Building Codes
Anne Arundel County -
Fire Prevention Code, new code and amendments adopted; fire
prevention provisions revised............................................................... 5411
Property Maintenance Code, new code and supplement adopted.............. 5408
Baltimore County -
Code enforcement, citations and correction notices and collection of
unpaid civil penalties, provisions altered.............................................. 5419
Harford County -
Electrical Examiners, Board of, composition altered; revised Electrical
Code adopted; electrician licensing, registration, and regulation,
provisions altered.................................................................................. 5434
Howard County -
Property Maintenance Code for Rental Housing, revised edition
adopted; rental housing license requirements altered and inspection
and penalty provisions altered............................................................... 5444
Technical corrections to the Howard County Code.................................... 5442
Various codes amended and adopted as the Howard County Building
Code...................................................................................................... 5442
Prince George's County -
Fire Safety Code, generally amended to conform to international fire
safety standards; inspection fees and penalties, provisions altered;
carbon monoxide detectors, requirements added.................................. 5486
Wicomico County -
- 5585 -