2007 Laws of Maryland
Local Laws Index
Code references to duties delegated to the Administrative Director and
County Council, generally revised to reflect deletion of position of
Administrative Director and the change to an elected executive form
of government....................................................................................... 5491
Collective Bargaining —
Montgomery County -
Services contracts that will adversely affect public employees,
requirements to be met before solicitation or award, and collective
bargaining requirements, provisions added.......................................... 5456
College Park (Prince George's County) —
General obligation bonds, sale provisions altered............................................ 5507
Commerce and Business —
SEE ALSO Small Business
Anne Arundel County
Tanning salons, added as auxiliary use in C2-Commercial Office
Baltimore County -
Animal grooming facilities, definition added, and definition for dog
grooming facilities repealed; zoning provisions altered and added;
minimum water temperature requirement for washing animal
holding facilities, provisions added..................................................... 5425
Dog grooming facilities, added as permitted use in BL-CCC Zone
within a designated commercial revitalization district......................... 5416
High performance buildings, property tax credit established for............... 5424
Towson C.T. District to which C.T. District special regulations are
applicable, expanded............................................................................. 5413
Frederick, department of economic development, created.............................. 5530
Montgomery County -
C-2 zone commercial projects, site plan review requirements added........ 5480
Center Business Development (CBD) zone, minimum lot area
requirement and transfer of density, provisions altered........................ 5467
Florist business, allowed in the Office Building, Moderate Density
(O-M) zone........................................................................................... 5478
Wheaton Retail Preservation Overlay zone, provisions altered................. 5476
Wholesale trades limited to sales or rental of products intended for
industrial or commercial users added as permitted use in 1-3 zone..... 5466
Commercial Rehabilitation —
Anne Arundel County
Commercial revitalization areas, multifamily dwellings added as
permitted use; commercial use requirements added............................. 5400
Baltimore County -
Tax credit applications under programs for historic restoration and
rehabilitation tax credit, revitalization property tax credit, or tax
- 5586 -