2007 Laws of Maryland
Local Laws Index
Elections, penalty provisions repealed............................................................. 5505
Electronic voting machines, use authorized; hours that polls must be open
and standards for keeping polls open for additional time, provisions
added and altered........................................................................................ 5503
Mayor, first day of taking office after election, provisions altered.................. 5505
Preservation of voting records, provisions, provisions altered........................ 5504
Registration of voters, provisions altered......................................................... 5502
Town Council, beginning day of term of office of members and day of first
meeting, provisions altered......................................................................... 5505
Town elections, authority to regulate, provisions altered................................ 5504
Chesapeake City (Cecil County) —
Annexation....................................................................................................... 5506
Chevy Chase (Montgomery County) —
Town ordinance violations denoted as misdemeanors, and associated
penalties, provisions altered........................................................................ 5507
Town ordinance violations denoted as municipal infractions, and associated
fines, provisions altered.............................................................................. 5507
Child Care —
Baltimore County -
Group child care center and nursery school, added as permitted uses by
special exception in the R.C. 6 Zone.................................................... 5429
Children SEE Minors
Cigarettes —
Charles County
Smoking and placement of tobacco products, restrictions added............... 5380
Circuit Courts —
Chesapeake Beach, election controversies, challenges, and recounts,
resolution and appeals to circuit court, provisions altered......................... 5503
Citations —
Anne Arundel County -
Solicitation of money or donations by a minor in a roadway, median, or
intersection, prohibited.......................................................................... 5410
Baltimore County -
Code enforcement, citations and correction notices and collection of
unpaid civil penalties, provisions altered.............................................. 5419
Environmental law, enforcement and penalties, provisions altered........... 5422
Charles County -
Smoking and placement of tobacco products, restrictions added............... 5380
Worcester County -
Municipal enactments regulating the use of municipally owned
properties located outside of municipal corporate boundaries, and
enforcement of such regulations, provisions added.............................. 5395
Civil Actions —
Frederick, legal defense of officials and employees, provisions added........... 5523
- 5584 -