Martin O'Malley, Governor
Allegany County
Bill No. 2-06
A Bill Entitled:
"Compensation for Public Officials"
[An Act to repeal and reenact Chapter 67, Sections 67-1 through 67-6 of the Code of
Public Local Laws of Allegany County (1983 Edition, as amended), entitled
"Compensation for Public Officials".]
Ordinance #2006-001
AN ACT concerning
Transfer of Development Rights
FOR the purpose of amending Chapter 175 - Zoning and Chapter 162 - Subdivision of
Land of the Code of Public Local Laws of Caroline County, Maryland, to add,
amend, and delete certain provisions governing transferable development right; to
alter the provisions governing the allowable number of lots in certain subdivisions
in certain zoning districts; to create and locate sending areas and receiving areas
for the transfer and utilization of transferable development rights; to provide for
cooperative County and municipal planning regarding the use of transferable
development rights; to alter the density calculations for determining the number of
transferable development right in certain lots, tracts, and parcels of land; to
establish the rights and obligations of persons selling and acquiring transferable
development rights; to encourage the protection of farmland and resource
protection by allowing the transfer of development rights from sites designated as
sending areas to sites designated as receiving areas or municipal growth areas; to
allow Caroline County to purchase, hold, and/or sell transferable development
rights; to provide for the process by which transferable development rights are
identified and certified by Caroline County through the Caroline County Planning
Commission; to provide for the necessary documentation for the transfer of
development rights; to create a registry of development rights available for
transfer; and to provide an essential county-wide growth management tool.
[Section 175-28.1 of the Code of Public Local Laws of Caroline County - amended.
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