2007 Laws of Maryland
County Local Laws
Section 175-28.7 of the Code of Public Local Laws of Caroline County - added.
Sections 162-44, 162-45, and 162-46 of the Code of Public Local Laws of Caroline
County - repealed.]
Ordinance #2006-002
AN ACT concerning
Development Rights and Responsibilities Agreements
FOR the purpose of amending Chapter 175 of the Code of Public Local Laws of Caroline
County, Maryland; providing for the authority of the County Commissioners of
Caroline County to enter into and amend development rights and responsibilities
agreements; providing for the ability for persons to petition the County
Commissioners that such agreements be considered and executed; providing that
such agreements contain certain provisions; providing that such agreements may
contain additional provisions; providing that such petitions be referred to the
Caroline County Planning Commission for review of consistency with County
plans and policies; providing for a public hearing to be conducted by the County
Commissioners prior to the execution of any such agreement; authorizing certain
persons to amend or terminate such agreements under certain circumstances;
providing that certain laws, rules, regulations, conditions, and policies govern such
agreements under certain circumstances; and providing generally for matters
relating to such agreements.
[New Article XXIII to Chapter 175 including Sections 175-117 through 175-128 of the
Code of Public Local Laws of Caroline County - added]
Legislative Bill #2006-1
AN ACT concerning
Development Excise Tax for School Construction
FOR the purpose of amending Chapter 166, Article V, of the Code of Public Local Laws of
Caroline County, Maryland, to increase the local development excise tax for school
construction; increasing the amount of the development excise tax for school construction
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