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Session Laws, 2007
Volume 803, Page 4113   View pdf image
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Martin O'Malley, Governor S.B. 2
(3) When there is no position description for a new or vacant position,
the primary direct supervisor of the position shall: (i) prepare a position description for the position; and (ii) submit it as part of the selection plan to fill the position. (d) A position description shall contain information required by the
Secretary, including a description of the essential functions of the position. (e) (1) The duties and responsibilities assigned to a position shall be
consistent with the duties and responsibilities for the position's assigned class. (2) An employee may grieve the assignment of duties and
responsibilities only if those assigned duties and responsibilities clearly are applicable
to a different class. 7-501. (a) The performance of each employee in the skilled service, professional
service, and management service, INCLUDING SPECIAL APPOINTMENTS IN EACH
CLASSIFICATION OF EACH OF THOSE SERVICES, shall be evaluated in accordance
with this subtitle. (b) The appointing authority shall ensure that each of the unit's employees
who is subject to this subtitle has performance evaluations in accordance with this
subtitle and procedures established by the Secretary. (c) Each supervisor of an employee subject to this subtitle shall attend
mandatory training by the Department on the methods and procedures required in the
performance appraisal process. (d) Factors in evaluating a manager's or supervisor's performance shall
include: (1) attendance at any required performance appraisal training; (2) adherence to established methods and procedures in conducting
performance appraisals; (3) the timely completion of performance appraisals for employees
assigned to the supervisor; and

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Session Laws, 2007
Volume 803, Page 4113   View pdf image
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