Martin O'Malley, Governor
Ch. 634
State Personnel - Collective Bargaining - State Institutions of Higher
Education Employee Information Use of Employee Information
FOR the purpose of requiring certain State institutions of higher education the
University System of Maryland system institutions. Morgan State University,
St. Mary's College of Maryland, and Baltimore City Community College to
provide certain employee information to certain exclusive representatives under
certain circumstances; requiring the State institutions of higher education
certain employers to give certain notice to certain employees at a certain time;
prohibiting the State institutions from providing certain employee information
to an exclusive representative under certain circumstances; authorizing the
State institutions of higher education to charge a certain fee; establishing
certain limitations on the number of requests for employee information that
may be made and the uses of employee information by exclusive representatives
of employees of the State institutions of higher eduction; authorizing certain
employees to give a certain notice to an employer that the employee does not
want the employer to provide certain information to an exclusive
representative; requiring that certain notices remain in effect until further
notice; prohibiting certain exclusive representatives from requesting or
receiving certain information under certain circumstances; prohibiting certain
exclusive representatives from releasing certain information; providing a
certain exception; prohibiting a certain exclusive representative from using
certain information for a certain purpose; authorizing a certain exclusive
representative to use certain information only for a certain purpose; and
generally relating to the use of employee information provided to exclusive
representatives by and collective bargaining for State employees and employees
of State institutions of higher education in connection with collective
BY repealing and reenacting, with amendments,
Article — State Personnel and Pensions
Section 3-208(d) and 3-2A-08
Annotated Code of Maryland
(2004 Replacement Volume and 2006 Supplement)
MARYLAND, That the Laws of Maryland read as follows:
Article - State Personnel and Pensions
(a) On written request of an exclusive representative, for each employee in
the bargaining unit represented by the exclusive representative, the Department, A