Bill No. 32-2003
AN ACT repealing a requirement that the Contract Review Committee approve the
exercise of a renewal option by Howard County for certain types of contracts.
[Section 4.106A of the Howard County Code -Amended]
Bill No. 34-2003
An Act amending Subtitle 11 "Adequate Public Facilities" of Title 16 "Planning,
Zoning and Subdivisions and Land Development Regulations" of the Howard
County Code to increase the maximum threshold for the Housing Unit
Allocation Chart established by the 2000 Howard County General Plan and the
Route 1 Revitalization Study for the purpose of revitalizing the US Route 1
[Sections 16.1102 and 16.1110(j) of the Howard County Code -Amended
Section 16.1110(j) through (af) of the Howard County Code - Renumbered]
Bill No. 35-2003
AN ACT establishing a percentage price preference for the purchase of
environmentally preferable products and equipment (EPPs), requiring the
creation of a list of EPPs; and creating certain reporting requirements for EPPs
[Section 4.501 of the Howard County Code -Amended
Sections 4.505 through 4.507 of the Howard County Code - Added]
Bill No. 45-2003
AN ACT revising the requirements that govern the subdivision and development of
land; revising the requirements for residential infill developments; revising the
requirements for lot design, subdivision design, open space, and the filing and
processing of plans; clarifying certain provisions regarding floodplains,
wetlands, streams, steep slopes, and historic resources; revising certain
requirements relating to the provision of adequate public facilities; providing for
the application of this Act to certain types of plans; and generally relating to the
requirements that govern the subdivision and development of land.
[Sections 16.108(b)(28.1) and 16.1107(b)(7) of the Howard County Code -Added
Sections 16.102(c)(1) and (d)(1), 16.105(c), 16.108(b)(44) and (b)(44.1), 16.115(c),
16.116(a)(2) and (c)(2), 16.118(b)(6), 16.119(a)(8) and (f)(3), 16.120(b)(4), (b)(6), and
(c)(2), 16.121(a)(2), (a)(4)(i) and (vi), (b), (c)(1), (d), and (e), 16.127, 16.130(b),
16.145(b)(2) and (b)(4)(i), 16.147(b)(1), (b)(3)(i), and (c)(8)(iii), 16.155(a)(1)(ii) and
(b)(2)(ii), 16.156(a) and (d)(1), 16.157(c)(4), 16.1104(a)(2), and 16.1107(b)(1), (b)(3), and
(b)(5) of the Howard County Code - Amended]
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