adoption of the Fall 2003 Master Water and Sewer Plan and to submit said Plan
to the Maryland Department of the Environment for its approval and
implementation pursuant to Title 9 of the Environment Article of the Maryland
Annotated Code.
Bill No. 03-51 (As Amended)
AN ACT to repeal and reenact, with amendments, Section 123-43.4.1, Tax credit for
surviving spouse of fire, rescue or emergency medical service personnel, of
Article II, Real Property Tax Credits, of Chapter 123, Finance and Taxation, of
the Harford County Code, as amended; to provide a tax exemption for surviving
spouses of law enforcement officers under certain conditions; and generally
relating to the provision of a tax credit.
Bill No. 03-58 (As Amended)
AN EMERGENCY ACT to add new Section 179-7, Deposit of Yard Trim, to Chapter
179, Nuisances, Public Health, of the Harford County Code, as amended; to
provide for a penalty for illegal disposal of yard trim and other items; and
generally relating to public nuisances.
Bill No. 03-59 (As Amended)
AN EMERGENCY ACT to repeal and reenact, with amendments, Section 267-53.8,
Public safety uses, of Article VIIIA, Telecommunications Facilities, of Part 1,
Standards, of Chapter 267, Zoning, of the Harford County Code, as amended; to
provide for clarification of the exemption for public safety uses of
communications towers.
Bill No. 03-62
AN ACT to repeal and reenact, with amendments, the definition of "Dwelling,
Lot-Line" of Section 267-4, Definitions, of Article I, General Provisions, of Part
1, Standards, of Chapter 267, Zoning, of the Harford County Code, as amended;
to provide a change to the definition of lot-line dwellings; and generally relating
to lot-line dwellings.
Bill No. 03-64
AN EMERGENCY ACT to add new Subsection F to Section 267-43, Approval, of
Article VII, Design Standards for Special Developments, of Part 1, Standards, of
Chapter 267, Zoning, of the Harford County Code, as amended; to establish
standards for certain Agricultural/Commercial uses; to permit
Agricultural/Commercial uses as a special development; and generally relating
to Agricultural/Commercial uses.
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