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Session Laws, 2004
Volume 801, Page 1720   View pdf image
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(9)    identification of program

expenditures relative to other
departmental expenditures; and

(10)  the ability of the department
responsible for facilitating the
program, program;

(11)  the impact of the program
components on the current
provision of medical and mental
health services and the fiscal
implications for the inmate
health care contract; and

(12)  a set of objective, quantifiable,
and measurable Managing for
Results goals and objectives.

The budget committees shall have 45 days
to review and comment on the report.

Further provided that 45 days after the
receipt of the RESTART plan by the
budget committees, DPSCS may convert
25 up to 50 vacant correctional officer
positions in support of a RESTART pilot
program that is based on the submitted
RESTART plan in a two State operated
correctional facility facilities located in
Baltimore City two separate regions of the

Further provided that in addition to the
funds used in the conversion of vacant
correctional officer positions,
of this appropriation may only be
expended for the purpose of implementing
a RESTART pilot program in a two State
operated correctional facility facilities
located in Baltimore City two separate
regions of the State,
which is based on the
submitted RESTART plan-
Further provided that no portion of the
$1,200,000 may be expended until a
RESTART plan has been submitted to the
budget committees. The committees shall
have 45 days to review and comment on

Ch. 429

- 1720 -


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Session Laws, 2004
Volume 801, Page 1720   View pdf image
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