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Session Laws, 2004
Volume 801, Page 1721   View pdf image
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Ch. 429

the report prior to the release of funds.

Further provided that the $1,200,000 may
not be transferred, by budget amendment
or otherwise, to any other program. Funds
not expended for this purpose at the end
of the fiscal year shall revert to the
general fund.

Further provided that the department is
authorized to transfer up to an additional
$500,000 from another program for the
purpose of implementing a RESTART
pilot program in two State operated
correctional facilities located in two
separate regions of the State, based on the
submitted RESTART plan. The funds
transferred by budget amendment are net
subject to reversion to the general fund.

Further provided that the department
may not expend funds for educational
services in support of the RESTART
pilot programs that are based on the
submitted RESTART plan. The
department is authorized to transfer
by budget amendment funds
designated for the implementation of
a RESTART pilot program to the
Maryland State Department of
Education, Division of Correctional
Education, for the provision of
educational services for the
implementation of the RESTART pilot
programs that are based on the
submitted RESTART plan.

It is the intent of the General Assembly that
the Governor fully fund the
reimbursement payments to local
correctional facilities in accordance with
Sections 9-402 et. seq. of the Correctional
Services Article. The General Assembly
believes that failure to provide adequate
funding for the State's liability is
tantamount to providing an unbalanced
budget in violation of the State's
constitutional requirements.

- 1721 -


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Session Laws, 2004
Volume 801, Page 1721   View pdf image
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