Ch. 429
N00G00.06 Local Child Support Enforcement
General Fund Appropriation.........................
Special Fund Appropriation...........................
Federal Fund Appropriation..........................
N00G00.08 Assistance Payments
All appropriations provided for program
N00G00.08 Assistance Payments are to be
used only for the purposes herein
appropriated, and there shall be no
budgetary transfer to any other program
or purpose except that funds may be
transferred to program N00G00.01 Foster
Care Maintenance Payments,
General Fund Appropriation, provided that
the Department of Human Resources
(DHR) must provide from this
appropriation a cash benefit of $185 per
month to all applicants to the Transitional
Emergency Medical and Housing
Assistance program who would have
received a cash benefit had their
application been submitted under the
eligibility guidelines in place on December
1, 2003, unless DHR provides a report to
the budget committees on all proposed
regulatory, policy, or procedural changes
affecting the administration of the
program. DHR's report to the committees
shall include a full account of the
proposed changes and the projected
impact of the changes on caseload,
eligibility, benefit level, benefit duration,
and additional services, including the
effect of the changes had they been
applied to the fiscal 2003 caseload. The
committees shall have 45 days to review
and comment on the proposed changes
prior to their effective date-
Further provided that $1,000,000 may only
be expended to provide a Temporary Cash
Assistance grant increase, effective
October 1, 2004, that brings the
combination of the grant and food stamps
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