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Session Laws, 2004
Volume 801, Page 1707   View pdf image
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consolidation of a local branch office
of the Baltimore City Department of
Social Services, the plan or proposal
shall be submitted to the budget
committees for review and comment. A
copy of the plan or proposal shall also
be submitted to the Baltimore City
Mayor, the Baltimore City Council, the
Director of the Baltimore City
Department of Social Services, and
the chair of the Baltimore City
Department of Social Services board
of directors. The plan or proposal
shall include the anticipated cost
savings and the impact on the services
and the constituents who used the
facility scheduled to be closed or
consolidated. The budget committees
shall have 45 days to review and
comment on the plan or proposal
prior to the implementation of the
plan orproposal.

Provided that prior to the closure or
consolidation of branch offices of a local
Department of Social Services in a county
or Baltimore City, the plan or proposal
shall be submitted to the budget
committees for review and comment. A
copy of the plan or proposal shall also be

submitted to the county government or to
Baltimore City. The plan or propo
sal shall
include the anticipated cost savings and
the impact on the services and the
s who used the facilities
scheduled to be closed or consolidated.
The budget committees shall have 45 days
to review and comment on the plan o
proposal prior to the implementation of
the plan or proposal.

General Fund Appropriation.........................

Special Fund Appropriation...........................

Federal Fund Appropriation..........................








- 1707 -

Ch. 429


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Session Laws, 2004
Volume 801, Page 1707   View pdf image
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