Montgomery County -
Sale of real property, disclosure of historic designation, requirements
added.......................................................................................................... 5925
Wicomico County-
Franklin O. Tingle Farm Historic District created as an overlay of
existing zoning districts .......................................................................... 5947
Home Finance SEE Mortgages
Homeowners Associations —
Anne Arundel County -
Adequate facilities requirements, waiver procedures added ................... 5866
Stormwater management requirements, waiver procedures added........ 5865
Horses SEE Animals
Housing —
Anne Arundel County -
Housing Commission, financial disclosure statement requirements for
commissioners and executive director, provisions altered .................... 5870
Baltimore County -
Building Code -
Changed from Basic Building Code to International Building Code .. 5900
New code adopted .................................................................................... 5900
Code revision, Article 35 (Buildings and Housing), added....................... 5889
Revitalization property tax credit eligibility for senior housing facilities
located in planned unit developments, provisions added ..................... 5896
Caroline County -
Building code, new code adopted................................................................ 5855
Harford County -
International Building Code, 2000, and International Residential Code,
2000, adopted with amendments as the county building standards ... 5909
Residential structures, maximum height, and definition of "dwelling,
patio, atrium, or court", zoning provisions altered ............................... 5906
Howard County -
Building Code, amended............................................................................. 5912
Displacement assistance program, established......................................... 5913
Housing and Community Development, Department of, created; Office
of Housing and Community Development, abolished; mobile home
developments required to comply with procedures for sale or rental of
moderate income housing units .............................................................. 5915
Housing Commission authorized to make mortgage subsidy payments to
or. for the benefit of eligible persons ...................................................... 5913
Moderate income housing, provisions altered ........................................... 5913
Subdivision of land, requirements and procedures revised ..................... 5914
Montgomery County -
C-2 zone, housing with commercial uses permitted on sites within 1,500
feet of Central Business District Metro station ................................5935
Human Rights Commission and Office of Human Rights, names
changed from Human Relations Commission and Office of Human
Relations Commission, respectively; discrimination complaint and ...
decision procedures altered ..................................................................... 5919
Moderately Priced Dwelling Units -
Requirements for building altered ......................................................... 5919
- 5987 -