Harford County -
Phillips Airfield Authority, created; Study Acceptability Review Group,
established to review studies regarding joint use of Phillips Army
Airfield; use of funds for joint use studies, requirements added ......... 5907
Howard County -
Board of Appeals hearing examiner, duties, powers, authority, and
jurisdiction established ............................................................................ 5914
North East, ordinances, passage, effective date, and notice requirements,
provisions altered ........................................................................................ 5837
Prince George's County -
Court system, various provisions revised and repealed to conform to
State law and Maryland Rules of Procedure ......................................... 5937
Henderson (Caroline County) - -
President of commissioners, name of office changed to mayor ................... 5825
Property tax payment, deadline altered........................................................ 5825
Highways —
Allegany County -
Construction and improvement of private roads, property owner
approval of petition for, provisions altered ............................................ 5854
Anne Arundel County -
Adequate facilities requirements, waiver procedures added ................... 5866
Development impact fees, fee schedule revised; fee and special fund
added for public safety facilities; computation, credits, expenditures,
reports, and review and adjustment, provisions altered ...................... 5886
Baltimore County -
Code revision, Article 18 (Transportation), added .................................... 5898
Motorized scooters, operation on public roads or sidewalks prohibited .. 5896
Montgomery County -
Development impact tax rates and transfer of excess credits, provisions
altered; Clarksburg impact tax district created; impact tax
transportation program, altered ............................................................. 5921
Discrimination in public accommodations, application of prohibitions to
public conveyances, utilities, public rights-of-way, parking, marinas,
airports, and hangars, and to government agencies and services,
provisions clarified.................................................................................. 5930
Forest conservation requirements and reforestation, provisions altered;
forest mitigation banking, authorized .................................................... 5923
Queen Anne's County -
Interim Adequate Public Facilities Ordinance -
Adopted ..................................................................................................... 5858
Amended; Technical Review Committee established ............................ 5858
Walkersville, naming or designation of town property, including streets,
restrictions added........................................................................................ 5850
Worcester County -
Residential Planned Communities, location of stormwater management
drainage lines beneath surface of roads and alternate standards for
narrower roadways, provisions altered................................................. 5860
Historical Matters
Harford County -
Historic Preservation Element Plan, 2001 plan adopted ....................... 5908
Howard County -
Street banners, display in historic district area, provisions added ......... 5913
- 5986 -