Requirements in Central Business District, Planned Unit
Development, and Transit Station Development Area zones, revised 5931
Sale and resale, provisions altered......................................................... 5926
Tenant Displacement Law -
Application to multifamily dwellings containing fewer units, right of
first refusal, and relocation assistance and notice to displaced
tenants, provisions altered .................................................................. 5929
Termination date extended ..................................................................... 5922
Prince George's County -
International Property Maintenance Code, 2000 edition, amended and
adopted as Housing Code ........................................................................ 5938
Talbot County -
Farm tenant labor housing, zoning provisions for additional units,
added......................................................................................................... 5944
Wicomico County -
Building code, International Building Code and International
Residential Code adopted as amended ................................................... 5947
Housing standards, provisions generally revised ..................................... 5948
Worcester County —
Fairgrounds and racetracks, on-site housing for owners or employees,
zoning provisions added.......................................................................... 5862
Housing and Community Development, Department of —
Howard County -
Housing and Community Development, Department of, created; Office
of Housing and Community Development, abolished; mobile home
developments required to comply with procedures for sale or rental of
moderate income housing units .............................................................. 5915
Howard County —
Board of Appeals hearing examiner, duties, powers, authority, and
jurisdiction established ............................................................................... 5914
Building Code, amended................................................................................. 5912
Clerk of the circuit court designated to collect the recordation tax............ 5910
Compensation Review Commission, terms, duties, and meeting procedures
established ................................................................................................... 5913
Consumer protection provisions for new home contract of sale and motor
vehicle towing from private property and storage of vehicle, altered ..... 5914
Corrections employees, retirement plan provisions altered ........................ 5912
Council districts, boundaries altered............................................................. 5915
Deputy director of public works, added to list of executive exempt
employees in county pay plan .................................................................... 5912
Dispatch services, responsibility transferred to Police Department;
responsibility for records management transferred to Department of
Technology and Communications Services ................................................ 5916
Displacement assistance program, established............................................ 5913
Fire and rescue tax, tax rate provisions altered .......................................... 5912
Firefighters, pension plan provisions for retirement eligibility and
benefits, altered ........................................................................................... 5911
Grading and sediment and erosion control, provisions for permitting,
inspection, and enforcement generally revised ......................................... 5910
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