City Manager —
Duties and organization, provisions amended ......................................... 5815
Establishment of office, appointment, and tenure, provisions amended . 5815
Provisions repealed.................................................................................... 5823
Economic Development and Planning, Department of, establishment,
appointment and tenure of director of the Economic Development and
Planning Department, provisions added ................................................... 5819
Economic development and planning, director of, powers and duties,
provisions added ...........................................................................................5820
Elections -
City council, date provisions altered .......................................................... 5821
City elections, date provisions altered ....................................................... 5821
Mayor, date provisions altered ................................................................... 5821
Finance, Department of, establishment; appointment and tenure of
director of finance, provisions added ......................................................... 5818
Finance director, duties and organization, provisions added ...................... 5819
Oath of office, wording altered; requirements for taking and subscribing
to, provisions amended............................................................................... 5817
Police department, establishment, and appointment and tenure of chief of
police, provisions amended ......................................................................... 5816
Police officers, powers and duties, provisions amended .............................. 5816
Property tax exemption for fire department and ambulance corps
members, provisions altered ....................................................................... 5822
Public Works, Department of, establishment; appointment and tenure of
director of public works, provisions amended ........................................... 5817
Public works director, duties and organization, provisions amended ......... 5818
Sale or conveyance of city-owned real estate, approval by mayor and city
council, referendum, and public notice, requirements altered ................ 5814
Hazardous and Toxic Substances —
Baltimore County -
Underground storage systems for petroleum products and hazardous
substances, repair, removal, and abandonment, provisions altered .... 5903
Health - -
Kensington, health officer, provisions repealed ............................................ 5830
Worcester County -
Skin penetrating body adornment procedures and activities,
requirements and restrictions, provisions added .................................. 5860
Hearings —
Anne Arundel County -
Adequate facilities requirements, waiver procedures added ................... 5866
Stormwater management requirements, waiver procedures added ........ 5865
Baltimore County -
Code enforcement, administrative process for, provisions altered .......... 5902
Development Plans -
Testimony on impact of other approved development plans on plan
that is subject of a hearing, provisions added ................................... 5895
Testimony or evidence regarding unresolved comment or condition,
relevant to proposed plan at hearing prior to final action, provisions
altered ................................................................................................... 5903
Greenbelt, employee relations board, powers relating to grievance
complaints and appeals, provisions altered .............................................. 5811
- 5985 -