Economic development and planning, director of, powers and duties,
provisions added ...................................................................................... 5820
Elections -
City council, date provisions altered ...................................................... 5821
City elections, date provisions altered................................................... 5821
Mayor, date provisions altered................................................................ 5821
Finance, Department of, establishment; appointment and tenure of
director of finance, provisions added...................................................... 5818
Finance director, duties and organization, provisions added................... 5819
Oath of office, wording altered; requirements for taking and subscribing
to, provisions amended ............................................................................ 5817
Police department, establishment, and appointment and tenure of chief
of police, provisions amended ................................................................. 5816
Police officers, powers and duties, provisions amended........................... 5816
Property tax exemption for fire department and ambulance corps
members, provisions altered ................................................................... 5822
Public Works, Department of, establishment; appointment and tenure of
director of public works, provisions amended ....................................... 5817
Public works director, duties and organization, provisions amended ..... 5818
Sale or conveyance of city-owned real estate, approval by mayor and
city council, referendum, and public notice, requirements altered...... 5814
Historic Preservation Element Plan, 2001 plan adopted............................. 5908
International Building Code, 2000, and International Residential Code,
2000, adopted with amendments as the county building standards ....... 5909
Joppatowne Sanitary Subdistrict, enlarged .................................................. 5907
Master Water and Sewer Plan -
Fall 2001 plan adopted ............................................................................... 5908
Spring 2001 plan adopted ........................................................................... 5907
National Standard Plumbing Code, 2000, adopted with amendments..... 5906
Phillips Airfield Authority, created; Study Acceptability Review Group,
established to review studies regarding joint use of Phillips Army
Airfield; use of funds for joint use studies, requirements added ............ 5907
Probationary period of probationary status employee assigned to Division
of Emergency Operations, extended .......................................................... 5908
Residential structures, maximum height, and definition of "dwelling,
patio, atrium, or court", zoning provisions altered ................................... 5906
Sediment control and stormwater management, provisions generally
revised .......................................................................................................... 5909
Sheriffs Office Pension Plan, amended ........................................................ 5906
Signs and billboards, including agricultural seasonal signs and electronic
message boards, restrictions and requirements altered........................... 5910
Havre de Grace (Harford County) —
Administration, Department of, establishment; appointment and tenure of
director of administration, provisions added............................................. 5823
Administration, director of, duties and organization, provisions added ..... 5823
Annexation....................................................................................................... 5820
Annual city audit, provisions altered ............................................................ 5818
Budget and budget ordinance, procedures amended................................... 5815
Chief of police, duties and organization, provisions amended .................... 5816
City council, election and term of office of members, provisions altered ... 5814
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