SEE ALSO Agriculture
Anne Arundel County -
Property tax credit for agricultural land and property in airport noise
zone, calculation provisions amended to conform to changes in State
law regarding computation of real property assessment...................... 5879
Harford County -
Agricultural Land Preservation Program, 2001, adopted; base easement
value under the Purchase of Development Rights Program, provisions
altered ....................................................................................................... 5908
Talbot County -
Farm tenant labor housing, zoning provisions for additional units,
added......................................................................................................... 5944
Rural Agricultural Conservation (RAC) zone, off-road outdoor
recreation (public or private) added as special exception use .............. 5942
Federal Government - -
Anne Arundel County -
Government Reuse Facilities -
Conditional use in Rl zoning districts, provisions added..................... 5867
Critical area buffer exemption and standards, provisions added ........ 5867
Harford County -
Phillips Airfield Authority, created; Study Acceptability Review Group,
established to review studies regarding joint use of Phillips Army
Airfield; use of funds for joint use studies, requirements added ......... 5907
Federalsburg (Caroline County) —
Annexation....................................................................................................... 5805
Fines and penalties for misdemeanors and municipal infractions,
provisions altered ........................................................................................ 5806
Powers of mayor and council, provisions altered ......................................... 5806
Zoning classification R-2 applied to specified new annexation .................. 5805
Fees - -
SEE ALSO Development Fees and Taxes
Allegany County -
Sewers, drains, and wastewater disposal, public and private,
regulations and requirements concerning use of, added ...................... 5853
Anne Arundel County -
Animal control, provisions for dangerous animals, impoundment,
licenses, and penalties, altered ............................................................... 5877
Baltimore County -
Security alarms, false alarm fee schedule and appeal procedure, and
registration requirements, provisions altered ....................................... 5902
Howard County -
Moderate income housing, provisions altered ........................................... 5913
Prince George's County -
Court system, various provisions revised and repealed to conform to
State law and Maryland Rules of Procedure ......................................... 5937
Criminal offender registration, fee provisions added ............................... 5937
Wicomico County -
Cable systems, regulations for operation of, established ......................... 5947
Fines - -
Federalsburg, fines and penalties for misdemeanors and municipal
infractions, provisions altered .................................................................... 5806
- 5978 -