Fire Departments SEE Fire Protection
Fire Protection —
Anne Arundel County -
Adequate facilities requirements, waiver procedures added ................... 5866
Fire and Police Service Retirement Plans, transfer of service credit,
provisions added ...................................................................................... 5865
Fire Department employees, pay schedules, pay increases, and work
week schedule designations, provisions altered .................................... 5869
Fire Service Retirement Plan, Deferred Retirement Option Program
added; other provisions amended........................................................... 5868
Volunteer fire fighters, Service Award Program, provisions altered....... 5873
Baltimore County -
Code revision, Article 35 (Buildings and Housing), added ....................... 5889
Fire chief class titles, provisions altered in Classification and
Compensation Plans ................................................................................ 5887
Fire Prevention Code, new code enacted ................................................... 5899
Personnel pay schedules, job classification titles and grades,
compensation plan rules and regulations, fire department employee
probationary period and sick leave, and police and fire department
promotion eligibility lists, provisions altered........................................ 5892
Police and fire department members, accidental disability benefits,
provisions altered ..................................................................................... 5903
Police officers and firefighters, retirement benefits and substitute
beneficiaries, provisions altered............................................................ 5904
Bel Air, property tax credit for volunteer fire company members,
provisions altered ....................................................................................... 5791
Havre de Grace, property tax exemption for fire department and
ambulance corps members, provisions altered.......................................... 5822
Howard County —
Dispatch services, responsibility transferred to Police Department;
responsibility for records management transferred to Department of
Technology and Communications Services ............................................ 5916
Fire and rescue tax, tax rate provisions altered ....................................... 5912
Firefighters, pension plan provisions for retirement eligibility and
benefits, altered ....................................................................................... 5911
Kent County -
Fire companies, ambulance companies, and rescue squads, computation
of appropriation for benefit of, provisions altered................................. 5856
Montgomery County -
Fire/rescue lieutenants and captains, included in fire/rescue employees
bargaining unit for collective bargaining purposes ............................... 5922
Length of service award program for fire and rescue department
volunteers, benefits increased, and provisions generally amended ..... 5917
Prince George's County -
Emergency response technicians who were former volunteer firefighters
or emergency medical technicians, salary credit upon initial
appointment to career position, altered ................................................. 5936
Worcester County -
Open burning, regulations added............................................................... 5861
Sanitary services, definition expanded to include provision of water for
fire protection as determined by county commissioners....................... 5861
- 5979 -