Stormwater management, provisions generally revised .......................... 5944
Wicomico County -
Stormwater management, provisions generally revised .......................... 5947
Escrow Accounts - -
Baltimore County -
Code revision, Article 35 (Buildings and Housing), added....................... 5889
Ethics - -
Anne Arundel County -
Employees subject to public ethics requirements, Department of Social
Services and Sheriffs Office employees deleted; Housing Commission,
Board of License Commissioners, and Ethics Commission members
and employees added ............................................................................... 5885
Housing Commission, financial disclosure statement requirements for
commissioners and executive director, provisions altered .................... 5870
Montgomery County -
Quasi-judicial officials and employees, political activities, prohibitions
added......................................................................................................... 5925
Supplemental public financial disclosure statements, required for
certain legislative branch employees; content requirements of
statements, altered .................................................................................. 5918
Talbot County -
Ethics Commission, membership increased and quorum established .... 5946
Eviction —
Prince George's County -
Tenant property removed under warrant of restitution, placement in
public right-of-way prohibited, and disposal by landlord required .... 5936
Examinations —
Howard County -
Retirement plan disability benefits, provisions altered ........................... 5915
Executive Agencies SEE Administrative Agencies
Exemptions —
Baltimore County -
Transfer tax, exemption provisions clarified ............................................. 5887
Havre de Grace, property tax exemption for fire department and
ambulance corps members, provisions altered.......................................... 5822
Expenses SEE Salaries
Factories SEE Industry and Technology
Fairs —
Worcester County -
Fairgrounds and racetracks, on-site housing for owners or employees,
zoning provisions added .......................................................................... 5862
Family Law —
Prince George's County -
Court system, various provisions revised and repealed to conform to
State law and Maryland Rules of Procedure ......................................... 5937
Farmers SEE Agriculture
Farmland —
- 5977 -