Citizens Review Panel, established to evaluate state and local agency
response to child protection needs.......................................................... 5918
County Recreation Board and the recreation area advisory boards,
membership and duties, provisions altered ........................................... 5928
Human Rights Commission and Office of Human Rights, names
changed from Human Relations Commission and Office of Human
Relations Commission, respectively; discrimination complaint and
decision procedures altered ..................................................................... 5919
Landlord-Tenant Affairs, Commission on, qualifications for membership
altered ....................................................................................................... 5923
Merit System Protection Board, salary of members increased;
Washington Suburban Transit Commission member from the county
who is also a member or alternate of Washington Metropolitan Area
Transit Authority, salary increased ........................................................ 5916
Quasi-judicial officials and employees, political activities, prohibitions
added......................................................................................................... 5925
Social Services, Board of, number of members increased ........................ 5925
Prince George's County —
Complaints against county law enforcement officers, responsibilities of
Citizen Complaint Oversight Panel, chief of police, and Human
Relations Commission, provisions amended .......................................... 5940
Queen Anne's County -
Technical Review Committee established in provisions for adequate
public facilities ......................................................................................... 5858
Talbot County -
Ethics Commission, membership increased and quorum established .... 5946
Golf Board, established; Parks and Recreation Advisory Board, Director
of Parks and Recreation, and Director of Golf Operations, provisions
altered........................................................................................................ 5942
Short term rental property, registration and licensing requirements
added; Short-Term Rental Review Board created............................... 5942
Communications SEE Telecommunications
Community Associations SEE Homeowners Associations
Community Colleges —
Wicomico County -
School improvement program and other public capital improvements,
county bond funds for .............................................................................. 5946
Compensation SEE Salaries
Condemnation - -
Prince George's County -
International Property Maintenance Code, 2000 edition, amended and
adopted as Housing Code........................................................................ 5938
Conflicts of Interest SEE Ethics
Conservation —
Harford County -
Agricultural Land Preservation Program, 2001, adopted; base easement
value under the Purchase of Development Rights Program, provisions
altered ....................................................................................................... 5908
Chesapeake Bay Critical Area Management Program -
Generally revised ..................................................................................... 5909
Revised program adopted ........................................................................ 5909
Howard County -
- 5968 -