Closed session council meetings, matters permitted to be addressed
during, provisions altered ........................................................................... 5801
Reapportionment of council districts, provisions altered............................. 5801
Commerce and Business —
SEE ALSO Foreign Trade
Howard County -
Tobacco product distribution to minors, prohibited .................................. 5911
Kent County —
Tax credits for businesses that create new jobs, abrogation provision
repealed.................................................................................................... 5856
Montgomery County -
C-2 zone, housing with commercial .uses permitted on sites within 1,500
feet of Central Business District Metro station ................................ 5935
Prince George's County -
Program Planning and Economic Development, Department of, obsolete .
provisions repealed .....................:..................................... 5939
Tobacco product distribution to minors, prohibited; placement of tobacco
products in location inaccessible to buyer without intervention of
seller, required........................................................................... 5940
Talbot County -
Boat and marine equipment sales and assembly including outdoor
commercial storage and sales, and vehicle and boat parking, and
storage (commercial), zoning use provisions, altered..............5944
Sale of agricultural products typically, grown, locally on the Delmarva
Peninsula at licensed produce stands, provisions added................. 5944 Tobacco products offered for sale, restrictions on storage, placement, and
accessibility, to buyer, provisions added............................................... 5943
Commissions SEE Committees and Commissions
Committees and Commissions —
Anne Arundel County -
Employees subject to public ethics requirements, Department of Social
Services and Sheriffs Office employees deleted; Housing Commission,
Board of License Commissioners, and Ethics Commission members.
and employees added.............................................................................. 5885
Housing Commission, financial disclosure statement requirements for
commissioners and executive director, provisions altered .................... 5870
Greenbelt, employee relations board, powers relating to grievance
complaints and appeals, provisions altered .............................................. 5811
Harford County -
Phillips Airfield Authority, created; Study Acceptability Review Group,
established to review studies regarding joint use of Phillips Army
Airfield; use of funds for joint use studies, requirements added ......... 5907
Howard County —
Board of Appeals hearing examiner, duties, powers, authority, and
jurisdiction established............................................................................ 5914
Compensation Review Commission, terms, duties, and meeting
procedures established ............................................................................ 5913
Housing Commission authorized to make mortgage subsidy payments to
or for the benefit of eligible persons ...................................................... 5913
Montgomery County -
Board of Appeals, jurisdiction and procedures, technical and codification
errors corrected ........................................................................................ 5928
- 5967 -