Subdivision of land, requirements and procedures revised ..................... 5914
Montgomery County -
Forest conservation requirements and reforestation, provisions altered;
forest mitigation banking, authorized .................................................... 5923
Wicomico County -
Critical area resource protection, provisions generally revised............... 5947
Critical areas, special buffer areas delineated on official maps .............. 5948
Worcester County -
Chesapeake Bay Critical Area, ordinance enacted to regulate
development and resource utilization activities within the critical
area ........................................................................................................... 5864
Trees that are an aviation hazard, cutting or clearing activities
exempted from requirements of county forest conservation law ......... 5863
Construction —
Allegany County -
Construction and improvement of private roads, property owner
approval of petition for, provisions altered ............................................ 5854
Stormwater management requirements and procedures, provisions
generally revised...................................................................................... 5853
Baltimore County -
Building Code -
Changed from Basic Building Code to International Building Code .. 5900
New code adopted.................................................................................... 5900
Code revision, Article 35 (Buildings and Housing), added....................... 5889
Caroline County -
Building code, new code adopted................................................................ 5855
Harford County -
International Building Code, 2000, and International Residential Code,
2000, adopted with amendments as the county building standards ... 5909
Sediment control and stormwater management, provisions generally
revised ....................................................................................................... 5909
Howard County —
Building Code, amended ............................................................................. 5912
Montgomery County -
Construction debris reclamation facility, zoning and permitting
provisions added ...................................................................................... 5933
Forest conservation requirements and reforestation, provisions altered;
forest mitigation banking, authorized.................................................... 5923
Queen Anne's County -
Stormwater management requirements and procedures, provisions
generally revised ...................................................................................... 5859
Talbot County -
Building code, modified through adoption of International Building
Code 2000 and International Residential Code 2000 as amended ...... 5945
Stormwater management, provisions generally revised .......................... 5944
Uses permitted by zoning district, definition of "building supplies", use
of "building supply and lumber yards with outside storage", and
planning officer's and Planning Commission's review authority
relating to application for site plan review, provisions clarified.......... 5943
Wicomico County -
Building code, International Building Code and International
Residential Code adopted as amended................................................... 5947
- 5969 -