BY adding:
Article 26, § 2-411(d) and § 2-412.1
Anne Arundel County Code (1985, as amended)
Bill No. 77-00
AN ORDINANCE concerning:
Zoning - R1 Districts - Government Reuse Facilities
FOR the purpose of adding government reuse facilities as a conditional use within R1
zoning districts and modifying the performance standards for government reuse
facilities in R1 zoning districts;
BY adding:
Article 28, §§ 1-101(27A), 2-302(b), (5A), 2-304(c), 2-305(c), 2-308(c) and 2-309
Anne Arundel County Code (1985; as amended)
BY repealing and reenacting, with amendments:
Article 28, §§ 2-306(a) and 2-307
Anne Arundel County Code (1985, as amended)
Bill No. 78-00
AN ORDINANCE concerning:
The Chesapeake Bay Critical Area - Buffer Exemption Program
FOR the purpose of adding government reuse areas to the critical area buffer
exemption program; and setting certain standards for government reuse
facilities in the critical area buffer.
BY repealing and reenacting, with amendments:
Article 28, § 1A-109(b) and (c)
(introductory language only)
Anne Arundel County Code (1985, as amended)
BY adding:
Article 28, § 1A-109(d)
Anne Arundel County Code (1985, as amended)
BY renumbering:
Article 28, § 1A-109(d), (e), and (f) to be Article 28, § 1A-109(e), (f), and (g),
Anne Arundel County Code (1985, as amended)
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