Stormwater Management - Waivers
FOR the purpose of requiring a person who requests a waiver of stormwater
management requirements to submit certain information; providing that
decisions on requests for waivers may be appealed to the County Board of
Appeals; requiring public hearings meetings before waivers are granted;
requiring the Planning and Zoning Officer Director of Inspections and Permits
to provide certain information to the Director of Community Services; providing
for notice of waiver requests to community associations and certain property
owners; providing for newspaper advertisement of the public hearings meetings;
requiring the person requesting a waiver to pay the costs of all notices; requiring
readvertisement and payment of costs for rescheduled public hearings meetings;
allowing certain testimony at the public hearings meetings; providing for
notification of decisions on waiver requests to certain individuals who attend the
public hearings meetings; providing that public hearings meetings are not
required before denials of waivers; providing for the application of this
Ordinance; and generally relating to the procedures for granting waivers of
stormwater management requirements.
BY adding:
Article 21, §§ 3-303(h) and (i); and 3-303.1
Anne Arundel County Code (1985, as amended)
Bill No. 74-00
AN ORDINANCE concerning:
Adequacy of Facilities - Waivers
FOR the purpose of requiring a person who requests a waiver of adequacy of facility
requirements to submit certain information; requiring public hearings meetings
before waivers are granted; requiring the Planning and Zoning Officer to
provide certain information to the Director of Community Services; providing for
notice of waiver requests to community associations and certain property
owners; requiring the erection of signs that contain certain information;
providing for newspaper advertisement of the public hearings meetings;
requiring the person requesting a waiver to pay the costs of all notices; requiring
readvertisement and payment of costs for rescheduled hearings meetings;
allowing certain testimony at the public hearings meetings; providing for
notification of decisions on waiver requests to certain individuals who attend the
public hearings meetings; providing that public hearings meetings are not
required before denials of waivers; providing for the application of this
Ordinance; and generally relating to the requirement for public hearings
meetings before waivers to adequacy of facilities requirements are granted.
BY renumbering:
Article 26, § 2-411(d) and (e) to be § 2-411(e) and (f), respectively
Anne Arundel County Code (1985, as amended)
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