Ch. 535
(iii) develop mechanisms to enhance coordination among agencies
and the University of Maryland to strengthen the aquaculture industry;
(iv) study and recommend innovative methods for aquaculture to
target commercial production and restoration of critical species;
(v) review methods undertaken in other states to develop their
aquaculture industries;
(vi) consider and include as appropriate in its report the findings of
any other task force or work group engaged in a study that impacts the economic
development of the aquaculture industry; and
(vii) review and evaluate legislative and regulatory issues and
permitting procedures to facilitate sustainable development of the industry.
(e) As the need arises, the Task Force or a workgroup may consult with:
(1) a representative of a federal agency;
(2) a private consultant;
(3) a member of the general public; or
(4) any other individual with expertise in the area of economic
development, the seafood industry, the aquaculture industry, or any other related
(e) (f) (1) (i) The Governor Except as prohibited under subparagraph (ii) of
this paragraph, the Secretary of Agriculture shall designate one of the members of the
Task Force as chairperson of the Task Force.
(ii) The Secretary of Agriculture may not serve as the chairperson
of the Task Force.
(2) The chairperson of the Task Force shall designate a chairperson for
each workgroup.
(g) (1) The executive committee of the Task Force shall consist of the
following 9 members of the Task Force:
(i) the chairperson of the Task Force;
(ii) the chairperson of each workgroup; and
(iii) three additional members of each workgroup, designated by the
chairperson of the respective members' workgroup.
(2) The chairperson of the Task Force and the executive committee shall:
(i) ensure the progress and coordination of the workgroups'
activities; and
(ii) as appropriate, integrate the findings of both workgroups in the
final report of the Task Force.
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