PARRIS N. GLENDENING, Governor Ch. 535
(d) (h) The Task Force and each workgroup shall determine the time and
place of its meetings.
(e) A member of the Task Force who misses two or more meetings of the Task
Force may not participate in the decision making process, reports, or
recommendations of the Task Force.
(i) (1) (i) The Task Force shall meet as a whole at least once every 3
(ii) At each meeting of the Task Force, each workgroup shall report
on its progress to date.
(2) (i) Except as provided under subparagraph (ii) of this paragraph, if
a member of the Task Force is absent from more than two meetings of:
1. the Task Force, the member may not participate in the
decision-making process, report, or recommendations of the Task Force; or
2. the member's workgroup, the member may not participate
in the decision-making process, report, or recommendations of the workgroup.
(ii) A member may not be considered absent from a meeting if:
1. the chairperson of the Task Force or workgroup, as
applicable, has excused the member's absence in advance of the meeting; or
2. another individual designated by the member represents
the member at the meeting.
(f) (j) A member of the Task Force may not receive compensation, but is
entitled to reimbursement for expenses under the Standard State Travel Regulations,
as provided in the State budget.
(g) The Task Force shall:
(1) study and develop methods of expanding the local and national
market for Maryland seafood;
(2) explore whether existing seafood marketing techniques are being
fully employed by the industry and, if not, what is needed to increase the use of these
(3) study and develop innovative methods of producing seafood, for
example, aquaculture; and
(4) review the methods other states, including Alabama, Delaware,
North Carolina, New Jersey, New York, South Carolina, and Virginia, have
implemented to further develop their seafood industry.
(h) (k) The State Department of Agriculture and the Department of
Business and economic Development shall provide staff for the Task Force and for
each workgroup.
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