PARRIS N. GLENDENING, Governor Ch. 535
(i) two members of the House of Delegates, appointed by the
Speaker of the House;
(ii) two members of the Senate, appointed by the President of the
(iii) the Secretary of Agriculture or the Secretary's designee;
(iv) the Secretary of Business and Economic Development or the
Secretary's designee;
(v) the Secretary of the Environment or the Secretary's designee;
(vi) the Secretary of Health and Mental Hygiene or the Secretary's
(vii) the Secretary of Natural Resources or the Secretary's designee;
(viii) four representatives of the University System of Maryland,
appointed by the Chancellor of the University System of Maryland or the Chancellor's
designee as follows:
1. one representative of the University of Maryland
Biotechnology Institute;
2. one representative of the College of Agriculture and
Natural Resources;
3. one representative of the University of Maryland Center
for Environmental Science; and
4. one representative of the Maryland Sea Grant College;
(ix) one representative of the Maryland Watermen's Association;
(x) two representatives of the Maryland Aquaculture Association;
(xi) one representative of the Food Dealers Council of the Maryland
Retailers Association;
(xii) one representative of the seafood processing industry, appointed
by the Secretary of Agriculture; and
(xiii) one representative of the seafood value-added food
manufacturing industry, appointed by the Secretary of Agriculture.
(2) The aquaculture industry workgroup shall:
(i) assess the status, economic viability, and potential of the
Maryland aquaculture industry;
(ii) assess the economic, technical, and educational requirements
for enhancement of the Maryland aquaculture industry;
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