PARRIS N. GLENDENING, Governor Ch. 315
(6) Have an annual total family income of $95,000 or below;
(7) Accept any other conditions attached to the award; and
(8) Satisfy any additional criteria the Maryland Higher Education
Commission may establish.
SECTION 2. AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED, That an individual who, on
the effective date of this Act, holds more than one scholarship or grant that was
awarded under a program under Title 18 of the Education Article, and whose
aggregate awards under that title exceed the maximum amount permitted under this
Act, may continue to hold each of those scholarships or grants so long as the
individual continues to meet the eligibility and renewal criteria for each financial
assistance program.
SECTION 2. 3. AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED, That this Act shall take
effect October July 1, 2002.
Approved May 6, 2002.
(Senate Bill 453)
AN ACT concerning
College Readiness for Disadvantaged and Capable Students Act of 2002
FOR the purpose of establishing the Maryland Professional Development Program in
the State Department of Education; providing for the purpose of the Maryland
Professional Development Program; requiring the Department to distribute
certain grants to counties for certain purposes; providing that the Maryland
Professional Development Program may include certain elements; requiring
that funds for the Maryland Professional Development Program be provided in
the State budget; requiring the Department to distribute a grant in certain
amounts to each county for the administration of the Preliminary Scholastic
Aptitude Test; changing the name of the State Scholarship Administration;
requiring the State Department of Education to distribute a grant in certain
amounts to certain counties for the administration of the Preliminary Scholastic
Aptitude Test; requiring the Governor to include a certain mount of funds in the
budget for certain need-based programs; providing for students to qualify in a
certain grade for a Guaranteed Access Grant; requiring certain students to
agree to certain conditions in order to receive a Guaranteed Access Grant in
certain years; establishing the College Readiness Outreach Program in the
Maryland Higher Education Commission and the State Department of
Education; providing that the College Readiness Outreach Program will provide
certain assistance to certain students; providing certain State funding for the
College Readiness Outreach Program; providing for certain institutions of
higher education to make Education Excellence Awards to certain students in
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