certain circumstances; requiring the Maryland Higher Education Commission to
establish certain guidelines and adopt certain regulations for certain awards by
certain institutions of higher education; requiring certain institutions of higher
education to provide an audit describing the disposition of certain funds;
providing for the allocation of funds to certain institutions of higher education
by the Maryland Higher Education Commission; establishing the Maryland
Graduate and Professional Scholarship Program for certain students at certain
institutions of higher education; establishing certain eligibility standards for the
Maryland Graduate and Professional Scholarship Program; providing for
certain scholarship amounts; providing certain funding for the Maryland
Graduate and Professional Scholarship Program; requiring the Maryland
Higher Education Commission to establish certain guidelines and adopt certain
regulations for the Maryland Graduate and Professional Scholarship Program;
requiring certain institutions of higher education to provide an audit describing
the disposition of certain funds; requiring the Department to review current pay
for teachers and school administrators and make certain recommendations;
requiring the Department to submit a certain report to the Governor and
General Assembly by a certain date; declaring the intent of the General
Assembly that the Governor shall include a certain amount in a certain State
budget for the Maryland Professional Development Program; declaring the
intent of the General Assembly that the Governor shall include a certain amount
in a certain State budget for the administration of the Preliminary Scholastic
Aptitude Test; declaring the intent of the General Assembly that the K-16
Leadership Council be formalized through a certain memorandum of
understanding, that establishment of a K-16 Research and Development
Institute and Maryland Clearinghouse for Educational Statistics be established
studied; declaring the intent of the General Assembly that the Department
develop, in conjunction with the Professional Standards in Teaching Education
Program Board, a certificate for middle school teachers; declaring the intent of
the General Assembly that the Governor include certain funds in the budget for
certain need based programs; declaring the intent of the General Assembly that
the College Readiness Outreach Program be implemented over a certain number
of years; declaring the intent of the General Assembly that the Governor shall
include a certain amount in a certain State budget for a certain pilot of the
College Readiness Outreach Program; declaring the intent of the General
Assembly that additional counties be added to the College Readiness Outreach
Program as funds are provided in the budget; declaring the intent of the General
Assembly that the Governor include certain funds in a certain State budget for
certain awards requiring the Maryland Higher Education Commission, in
consultation with the State Department of Education, on or before a certain
date, to complete a certain evaluation of the College Readiness Outreach
Program and submit a certain report to the General Assembly; providing for
future corrections to certain obsolete references by the publisher of the
Annotated Code; and generally relating to college readiness for students in
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