Ch. 290
proceeds of a loan under this Act shall submit evidence satisfactory to the Board that
none of the proceeds of the loan or any matching funds has been or is being used for
a purpose prohibited by this Act.
(a) the Comptroller may advance funds from any loan fund account to any
other loan fund account established pursuant to a general obligation bond loan
enabling act, under the authority of which general obligation bonds have been issued,
for any expenditure authorized by that act; and
(b) with the approval of the Board of Public Works, the Comptroller may
advance funds to any loan fund account established pursuant to a general obligation
bond loan enabling act, for which an approving legal opinion has been received by the
Board, for any expenditure authorized by that act, provided that the next ensuing
sale of general obligation bonds shall include the issuance of bonds under the
authority of that act in an amount at least equivalent to the amount of the funds so
SECTION 12. AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED, That it is the intent of the
General Assembly that the funding that was deferred from fiscal 2003 for the
following listed projects be funded in the fiscal 2004 capital budget:
Baltimore City Community College - Main Bldg. - Liberty Campus
CFC Mitigation Program
Chesapeake Village Park
Chesterwood Park
Department of Juvenile Justice - Cheltenham Youth Facility Demolition
Department of State Police - Easton Barrack & Garage/Communications Bldg.
Doctors Community Hospital
Dundalk Revitalization
Foundation School
Gateway Arts District
Historic St. Mary's City Commission - Maryland Heritage Project
Maryland Hall for the Creative Arts
Maryland Historical Society
Maryland Independent College and University Association — Johns Hopkins
University — Chemistry Building
Maryland Science Center
Maryland Stadium Authority - Veterans' Memorial
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